The 2014 CEF Transport Calls for Proposals, which were published on 11 September 2014, were the first calls under the CEF in the area of transport.

An initial budget of €11.93 billion was allocated for the 2014 CEF Transport Calls. However, to accelerate the implementation of key projects and boost growth and jobs in Europe the available budget was front loaded and optimised. The budget finally granted to selected projects amounts to €12.77 billion.

The main objective of CEF Transport, as set out in the TEN-T Guidelines, is to help complete the TEN-T Core Network and its Corridors by 2030. A total budget of €22.4 billion has been allocated to co-fund TEN-T projects in the EU Member States for the period 2014-2020: more than three times the amount allocated to the predecessor TEN-T Programme (2007–2013). From this budget, €11.3 billion is reserved for projects in Member States eligible for the Cohesion Fund. The CEF Programme is implemented through Multi-annual (MAP) and Annual (AP) programmes.

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