Like everywhere else, world digitalization, high-tech equipment and low-carbon solutions are affecting the workplace of the maritime world. Preparing the workforce for such trends is crucial to ensure a competitive European maritime sector. But what will be the profiles needed for the jobs of tomorrow? How can we make sure that people are strongly qualified for the many attractive and high quality jobs European seas have to offer?
To address these questions the Commission has launched, as part of the New Skills Agenda, a new cooperation platform between several key stakeholders called Blueprint for skills cooperation.
For the maritime technology sector, the Spanish Foundation CETMARis in charge of leading the EU partnership composed of 17 partners who today have met in Brussels to kick-off the work. Composed of both educational and industrial representatives, the partnership will explore the skills required by modern maritime technologies and the possible ways to match future demand and supply. They will conceive the profiles and curricula of tomorrow and propose concrete actions to be rolled out at national and regional level to bridge the gap between the training offer and the actual needs of the industry. By helping the sector to adapt the education to prepare the future workforce, this initiative seeks to empower the various strands of the maritime industry and boost its performance for years to come.
Source: DG Mare
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